Showing all 5 results
Food hygiene workbook (Funded)
As a personal assistant or care support worker, you may be involved in food hygiene in the course of your daily duties. This workbook will enable participants to prepare food safely and maintain correct food hygiene practices at home and at work.
Health and safety workbook (Funded)
This workbook will enable you to understand your responsibilities as an employee and those of your employer, recognise hazards, and have an increased awareness of health and safety in the home.
Infection control workbook (Funded)
As a personal assistant or care support worker, you may be involved in infection control in the course of your daily duties. The focus of this workbook is on standard infection control precautions, specifically preventing the spread of infections in health and social care roles.
Medication workbook (levels 1 & 2) (funded)
As a personal assistant or care support worker, it is important that you understand how to support a person with their medication management. This workbook will enable participants to understand your responsibilities around medication management and support.
Safeguarding workbook (Funded)
As a personal assistant or care support worker, it is important that you understand safeguarding in the course of your daily duties. This workbook will enable you to understand safeguarding and your responsibilities.