Employer refresher videos

Follow the step-by-step guides below for assistance on your Direct Payment and employing a Personal Assistant.

There is also guidance on the different types of Direct Payments and accessible information.

If you require any of our fact sheets in large print format, please email our Information & Advice team at: advice@independentlives.org

Introduction to the Direct Payment support service

Factsheet 1.0

This factsheet introduces what you will be required to do to employ a personal assistant using your Direct Payments.

Direct Payment bank accounts & financial record keeping

Factsheet 1.1

This factsheet explains what you need to know about managing your Direct Payment through a bank account as well as the financial record keeping you need to be aware of.

Preparing your employer budget

Factsheet 1.2

This factsheet will guide you through the process of drawing up a workable and affordable employer budget to suit your specific circumstance.

Employers liability insurance

Factsheet 1.3

This factsheet will explain everything you need to know about Employers’ Liability Insurance, what it is and when you do and don’t need it.

Payroll options

Factsheet 1.4

This factsheet explain what a payroll is, why it is important and the options you have to manage payroll for your employees.

Constructing a staff rota

Factsheet 1.5

This factsheet will help you to put together an effective and workable staff rota, enabling you to organise your personal assistance in a way which best support your lifestyle.

Working time regulations

Factsheet 1.6

This factsheet introduces working time regulations which govern the number of hours that your personal assistant can work as well as other employment rights including their right to paid annual leave.

Acting as an authorised person

Factsheet 1.7

This factsheet introduces the role of an ‘authorised person’ and how and when they can manage Direct Payments on someone’s behalf.

Writing a job description and person specification

Factsheet 2.1

This factsheet explains how to write job descriptions and persons specifications which will help you successfully recruit a personal assistant.

Writing recruitment adverts

Factsheet 2.2

This factsheet provides guidance on how to write an effective advert and the different advertising options that are available to you.